Thursday, June 21, 2012

Idea Time!

I have some ideas rolling around in my head, so I want to post them here so I can remember them when I have the ability to start the adventurous projects;

A house for my Chic Lines; two stories or multiple rooms, Bedroom and living room, perhaps a kitchen and bathroom too. I would like to also have installed lighting in the ceiling to provide decent lighting, and possibly some custom furniture to include working lamps... oh, and a staircase. They will also need a photo studio room.

Display for my Sooms; Still deciding on a direction to go with them, so not sure what the theme will be, but they will need a very large display box for proper photo space.

Light Box and/or Photo Shoot setup so I can take better quality pictures of my resin crew.

Maybe try and make a custom BJD, perhaps pets or people or fantasy bits or something... though not sure if I will have the aptitude for sculpting. I would at least like to make some custom props for my crew, like walking sticks or some such fun accessory.

I'm sure there is more, but that is what I can think of at this moment.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hey all! Just finished a group of Soom faceups, here they are together:

Left to Right: Chalco, Topaz, Vesuvia, Sard